Piloting of SELFIE PTK

The pedagogical toolkit for schools’ digital competence (November – December 2021)

SELFIE PTK has been created to help individual schools interpret and grasp the results from their SELFIE self-reflection process and then transform these into a tangible action plan for furthering digital competence.

Developed jointly by the Institute for Educational Technology (ITD-CNR) and the Cyprus Institute of Pedagogy (CPI), the draft version of the kit is to be formally piloted by each of the SHERPA partners in their respective countries: Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, Greece and Italy. Schools involved in this testing phase, to be run between November and December 2021, will be using specifically localised versions of SELFIE PTK adapted to their context. In the process, pilot schools new to SELFIE will have the chance to test the SELFIE Helper, the other major output of the SHERPA project providing innovative support and added value to the SELFIE world.

Road to SELFIE

In each school involved in the pilot, activities will primarily involve the SELFIE PTK School Coordinating Team. This is a sort of taskforce potentially comprising the school’s SELFIE coordinator, the School Head, and other school leaders such as disciplinary/subject area coordinators, ICT coordinator, digital education teacher/s, staff responsible for school evaluation, training & development, coordination, etc. However, digital innovation actions that individual schools enact in the pilot may, by extension, involve their entire educational community.

School Coordinating Teams participating in pilot activities will be provided with extra support by the opportunity to follow a specially produced MOOC dedicated to SELFIE PTK and its use. As a bonus, this MOOC will also be made available to the entire SELFIE community, who will be free to use it as a self-paced course and open learning resource for SELFIE-based self-reflection and digital competence development with SELFIE PTK.

The results from the pilot phase will be carefully analysed and used to optimise the final version of SELFIE PTK ahead of its official release in 2022.

If you wish to know more about piloting activities being run in individual SHERPA partner countries, follow the links below:

  • Cyprus
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • Greece
  • Italy

Or if you want to find out more about piloting activities in general, contact us at: sherpa@itd.cnr.it