The SHERPA project has developed a MOOC called “Empowering your school´s digital capacity: from reflection to innovation action plans” to help schools further their digital capacity. Known for short as #SELFIEPTKMOOC, this free, untutored, self-paced online course is now available to the entire SELFIE community as an open, modular learning resource. At the same time, the MOOC is supporting school coordinating teams participating in SHERPA project piloting activities.
#SELFIEPTKMOOC is designed to help schools use the results from their SELFIE self-reflection for developing a digital innovation action plan with assistance from the SELFIE Helper and SELFIE PTK, SHERPA’s two main outputs. As such, it’s presented primarily as a learning path for members of School Coordinating Teams comprising school leaders, school SELFIE coordinators, subject-area coordinators, ICT teachers/coordinators, and teachers who play a key role in fostering their school’s digital capacity for innovation.
At the same time, anyone with an interest in schools’ digital capacity can register whenever they like and use #SELFIEPTKMOOC materials and activities when and how they wish. In total, the course covers about 20 hours of activity. It offers four learning modules (Reflect, Envision, Plan, and Follow up), each dealing with a different phase in the process that schools follow to develop a digital innovation action plan using SELFIE PTK. #SELFIEPTKMOOC features English-language videos with subtitles in a number of different European languages. Its self-paced approach gives users the opportunity to reflect, and to interact and exchange ideas with like-minded others seeking to further schools’ digital capacity.
#SELFIEPTKMOOC was developed by Conecta13, a spin-off of the University of Granada in Spain, in conjunction with the Italian National Research Council of Italy and the Cyprus Pedagogical Institute in the context of the SHERPA project.